Want Some Cash?
Well, you’ve toiled and sweat and toiled some more…okay, not really, but you’ve been employed for a few weeks and what do you get from a job after you’ve worked for a period of time?! That’s right, a paycheck.  Tomorrow, July 21st, summer  youth employment program workers will be rolling in the dough…okay, you won’t really be rolling in the dough, but close.

Your paychecks will be for the first two weeks that you worked, June 28 – July 10.  Remember, the money will be electronically added to the Visa debit cards that were mailed to you either before the program began or right after you started working.  If you have any problems (forgot your PIN number, lost the card, etc.) when you get ready to use your card, contact ADP/Visa directly at 1-877-237-4321.  If you believe that the amount of your paycheck is incorrect, contact Ms. Kristina Swann or Ms. Tania Williams and they’ll look into it.

Otherwise, spend wisely and try to put a little something aside for a rainy day! Your savings can really add up over time, so even $25 stashed away from every paycheck can make a huge difference!

Remaining Pay Dates

Payroll Calendar Pay Period               Pay Date
July 11th through  July 24th                   Wednesday, August 4th
July 25th through August 7th                Wednesday, August 18th
August 8th through August 17th           Wednesday, September 1st